Portable Gas Detection

Portable gas detection is an essential measure in ensuring the safety of your crew and operations. Express Dock is a specialized provider in testing, calibration and certification of gas detectors onboard your vessels. The experience of over 20 years in the industry and the expertise of our highly-skilled engineers contribute to a safe and efficient environment for your activity anywhere in the world.

At Express Dock, we acknowledge the importance of portable gas detectors in supporting your safe activity onboard. Our engineers can work on a broad range of portable gas detection systems, integrating the RKI, MSA, GMI, Oldham, Honeywell (BW technologies line) and Servomex brands. Contact our team for your next service!

What is a portable gas detector?

A portable gas detector is a compact, handheld device designed to detect and monitor the presence of gasses in real time. It is designed to be easily carried and used by individuals in various environments. Portable gas detectors are battery-powered and usually feature a combination of sensors, alarms, and display screens to inform accurately about the gas detected and generate timely alerts.

What gases can the portable gas detector identify?

The portable gas detector can help to identify four main categories of gasses, specifically flammable gasses (e.g., methane CH4, hydrogen sulfide H2S), toxic gasses (e.g., carbon monoxide CO, sulfur dioxide SO2), oxygen (O2), and carbon dioxide (CO2). In addition to these categories, portable gas detectors can be configured to monitor the level of other specialty gasses like formaldehyde (CH2O). Therefore, the detectors can monitor a single gas or a range of gases according to the application. It is important to introduce here the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) that for the majority of flammable gases is lower than 5% by volume. In this context, even a small amount of gas can lead to an explosion. Portable gas detectors have the role of detecting any dangerous (amounts of) gasses in confined spaces or generally onboard your vessel to ensure the safety of your team.

What is the difference between a portable and a fixed gas detector?

Fixed gas detectors are static and installed in a specific place to consistently monitor the level of gases, while portable gas detectors are mobile and can be transported by the individual to the place it needs. Portable gas detectors are usually used when fixed gas detectors are impractical to install.

Why are portable gas detectors important?

A portable gas monitor is a safety device that monitors the presence and the level of gases and alerts personnel when the sensors detect a dangerous volume of gas. In this context, the crew onboard can take immediate action to reduce the risk of incidents or even fatalities. The detectors also allow the personnel to identify any gas leakage before entering confined spaces (e.g. spaces with a high risk of gas accumulation). Therefore, portable gas detectors have the role to protect the safety of the crew onboard and ensure the safety gas management.

Services provided for portable gas detection

Express Dock technicians can provide the next category of services for your portable gas detectors:

Calibration and Testing

Our team performs calibration and testing of portable gas detectors to ensure your equipment is functioning optimally to detect any abnormal gas level (e.g., oxygen). We use performant calibration devices to calibrate your portable gas detection system precisely. We also test your system to confirm the validity and sensitivity of the indices, ensuring compliance with industry norms and standards. Our technicians have expertise and experience with working on diverse portable gas detection brands, such as RKI, MSA, GMI, Oldham, Honeywell BW and Servomex to name a few.


In addition to the calibration of portable gas detection systems, we also certify your system to validate its compliance with applicable rules and safety regulations. Our qualified team of technicians can certify any brand of portable gas detection, integrating RKI, MSA, GMI, Oldham, Honeywell BW and Servomex.

Repair & Renewals

If you face any problem with your portable gas detectors, our team is here to help you! We provide timely and effective repair solutions for your system, using genuine spare parts. Our professional technicians can repair any brand of portable gas detection, integrating RKI, MSA, GMI, Oldham, BW and Servomex, to name a few! You can also rely on our team for the renewal of your gas system and changing of sensors to facilitate the continuation of your activity with minimum disruption. We ensure that your system corresponds to the industry standards.

Routine Maintenance and Inspections

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure your gas detection system performs optimally and according to the safety norms. We provide maintenance and inspection services to identify and manage any potential problems with the sensors, replace defective parts, and guarantee the consistent operation of your detectors. Our thorough inspections effectively minimize risks and prevent any unexpected interruptions in service. Express Dock Instruments & Controls technicians are certified to work on any brand of portable gas detection equipment, some of which are RKI, MSA, GMI, Oldham, BW and Servomex.

What brands of portable gas detectors is Express Dock servicing?

Express Dock engineers possess a high level of knowledge and skills on the most common brands of portable gas detection products, such as RKI, GMI, Oldham, Honeywell, Altair, Crowcon and Servomex.

About Express Dock Instruments & Controls

Express Dock Instruments & controls is your reliable partner to install, calibrate, certify, repaire and maintain the following products:

  • Ullage Temperature Interface
  • Fixed gas detection
  • Portable gas detection
  • Fire detection
  • Tank level monitoring 
  • 15 ppm oily water separators 15ppm
  • ODME

Our technicians are available in 150+ global ports 24/7 to ensure the safety and compliance of your vessel with industry regulations. Contact our team to book your service in your next port of call or fill in the form below for a quote for the service you choose.

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